Mari's Journaling Power Blog
Expressive Writing: Working Your Way Out of Depression
Anyone who’s truly suffered with clinical depression knows that it can feel as though there is no way out. When you’ve lost all hope, and find yourself trapped in and endless cycle of misery, just making a decision to do something seems like an impossible task. For those of us that are lucky, we have access to healthcare, therapists, doctors, and medications that ease our journey back towards a sense of normalcy. For many people though, access to healthcare is limited or non-existent. Finding your way out of the depths of depression on your own is a daunting task. Fortunately, there is a way, even for those of us that can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel, and the best news is that it’s free. All you need is a pen, a piece of paper, and a few minutes of your time.
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