Journal Prompts | CreateWriteNow

July Journaling Power Prompts

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | Tue, Jun 25, 2024 @ 01:07 PM

1. Observe Not Absorb 

2. Am I There Yet?

3. Yes I Know It's True, All I Really Need Is You (Neil Diamond)

4. “Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible in us be found.”
      -Pema Chodron

5.  A Futuristic Journaling  Power Exercise


Tips for a Successful Journaling For The Health Of It® Practice:

  1. How to Change Negatives Into Positives
  2. A Comprehensive Guide to Recognizing and Managing Your Stress
  3. Friendly Reminder: There is only 1 right way to Journal...Your Way!

Journaling For The Health Of It® Resources:

400+  Journaling Power Prompts 

  20+  Journaling Power Workbooks

1500+ Journaling Power Blog Posts

Journaling Power Sessions with Mari

The Right Journal Project*

Daily Journaling Prompts and Guides*

*Just added July 2024