Intuition can set you on the path to a greater sense of agency in your life. You may think of intuition as a magical or spiritual gift bestowed upon a few lucky people. You hear, “Trust your gut.” But, what does that mean? But what is intuition? What does it do? What is the difference between intuition and impulsivity? How can you nurture it?
Ever have a feeling you couldn’t quite name? Ever made a decision, changed your mind, then something wonderful or disastrous happened with your first choice? Ever told yourself to do something, like take a jacket with you, decided not to, then wish you had? Ever had a hindsight revelation and thought, “I knew I should have gone with my first choice?” Call the feeling a hunch, instinct, a sense, etc. You experienced intuition.
Intuition is your inner wisdom gained through observation and lived experience. You may sense a flash of insight about a situation in your life or a nagging feeling that something is or is not okay. Or, anywhere in between. This superpower is the part of you that knows what is in your best interest. A trustworthy guide, intuition can show you the navigation through the murkiness of confusion, self-doubt, and fear.
Intuition can be difficult to trust at first, especially if you are unaccustomed to trusting your feelings.
The media in all its forms, plus the advice of those around you perpetually bombard you with external commands to act, be, feel, and want whatever the voice of the moment is hawking—new car, white teeth, mac & cheese for grown-ups, plastic surgery, the diet to put all other diets to shame, etc. The message is: You cannot be trusted to make your own decisions. The result is fear. So, you jump at what appears to be a great deal that has the potential to raise your status and bring you long-lasting happiness. The problem lies in the temporary nature of external rewards. Your intuition offers you internal guidance to lasting joy and satisfaction.
Your intuition is your unique guide for life. It may be a gentle nudge that alerts you toward or away from a possibility, or a screaming voice of recognition that you are on the right track or the wrong one. You may feel a strong sense of relief or contentment. You receive guidance from the wisdom within which thereby protects you from new and repeated mistakes and tugs from external forces.
Your intuition is a powerful escort to your inner wisdom, the great knowing inside you which you can’t always explain. “Trust your gut” means listen for the soft voice of your inner coach and let it gently usher your decisions. This doesn’t necessarily mean to go with your first impulse or thought. Your first reaction may be excitement about the prospect of getting what you want rather than your intuition telling you that you’re headed in the right direction. So, the adage may mean step back and assess the situation with close scrutiny.
Impulsivity, a reaction to thoughts, is mind-based. Intuition, a response to deep feelings, is body-based.
Sometimes your hunches are incorrect, most often when you focus on what others want or think. Another thin line is the difference between awareness of how your decisions will impact the lives of others; usually when making big, important decisions, and awareness of your own self-care needs.
Your intuition is a powerful guide that can help you live with greater purpose, meaning, strength, and resilience. Using your journal to access your intuition can create phenomenal results. So, enjoy the best of both worlds. Happy journaling.
Billie Wade, a lifelong journaler, believes people are precious, sacred, resilient, and stronger than they know. She created Journaling to Heal, LLC which helps people discover the power of writing in their process of recovery from emotional stress and trauma. Visit her at and find more of her writing on where she writes a monthly newsletter column for Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center.