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Why It Feels Good to Go Green: 5 Steps for an Eco-Conscious Mindset

Written by Bash Sarmiento | July 16, 2024

From overflowing landfills to polluted waterways, the impact of human activity is undeniable. Fortunately, there are ways to make a difference—and it starts with you!

Cultivating an eco-conscious mindset can bring a surprising amount of joy and personal fulfillment. In this article, we’ll be looking at five steps for an eco-conscious mindset.


Why Go Green? It Feels Good!

Going green isn't just about saving trees (although that's pretty important too!). Every eco-conscious choice you make, big or small, contributes to a healthier planet. Reducing your reliance on single-use plastics, conserving water at home, or choosing recycled products – all these actions add up to a significant positive impact.

But the benefits extend far beyond the environment. Here's how going green can make you feel fantastic:

Connection to Nature

Stepping away from the digital world and spending time in nature is a well-known mood booster. When you embrace sustainable practices, you're strengthening your connection with the natural world. Think about the satisfaction of nurturing a garden or the pure joy of a hike in the woods. Take a moment to reflect: think back to a time you spent immersed in nature. How did it make you feel?


Taking charge of your environmental impact is empowering! Simple changes in your daily routine, like ditching single-use plastic water bottles for reusable ones, can make a difference. These swaps might seem insignificant, but they add up over time.


Going green isn't a solo act! There’s a whole world of people passionate about sustainability. Doing a quick web search can reveal various eco-friendly organizations and movements working on different issues. Perhaps you’re interested in protecting endangered species? Look for organizations focused on wildlife conservation. Find a cause that resonates with you and your values. 

5 Steps to Cultivate an Eco-Conscious Mindset

Now that we’re clear on why cultivating an eco-conscious mindset is important, let’s take a look at a few tips on how to get started:

1. Start Small, Start Now

You don’t need to make radical changes from the get-go—that wouldn’t be sustainable (pun intended). You can start small, by maybe making smarter choices about your purchases. Look for products crafted from green materials, and support businesses that are committed to using compostable packaging solutions to contribute to a circular economy.

2. Embrace Mindfulness

Becoming more mindful of your consumption habits is crucial for eco-consciousness. Take some time to reflect on your recent purchases. Were there any items you could have done without? Try to identify where you can make more sustainable choices in the future. 

When shopping for clothes, prioritize quality over quantity. Explore pre-owned clothing stores or online marketplaces for unique finds. Consider the product's lifespan while making purchases.

Are they made from recycled materials? Can they be repaired or reused at the end of their lifespan?

By knowing these, you’ll be making more informed decisions that benefit both your wallet and the planet. 

3. Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose

This age-old mantra is still incredibly relevant!  Beyond making eco-conscious purchases, think about how you can give new life to items you already own. 

Can you mend a ripped shirt instead of throwing it away? Could an old jar be repurposed as a vase? Getting creative with what you already have reduces waste and fosters a mindful approach to consumption.

4. Keep Learning

Research and education are essential for making informed choices about the environment. Here’s a fun idea: 

Choose an environmental issue that interests you (e.g., deforestation, ocean plastic pollution). Do some research, and then discuss the issue and potential solutions with friends or family. You can also turn it into a nature journal prompt and reflect on the issue internally. 

5. Celebrate Your Wins

Taking steps towards sustainability is a positive journey, and it's important to acknowledge your achievements! Here are some examples:

  • Composted food scraps for your garden for a week straight. Treat yourself to a delicious meal made with fresh, local ingredients.
  • You used your bike or walked to work or errands instead of driving. Reward yourself with a relaxing soak in the bathtub (with a sustainable bath bomb, of course!).
  • Found a creative way to reuse an old item. Take a picture of your creation and share it on social media to inspire others.
  • Convinced a friend or family member to adopt a sustainable habit. Celebrate together with a fun, eco-friendly activity like a hike or a visit to a local farmers market.

Final Thoughts

Going green isn't just about saving the planet, it's about feeling good too.  By incorporating eco-conscious practices into your life, you'll be surprised by the surge of empowerment, connection, and satisfaction that comes with making a positive difference. Remember, every small step counts. Share your sustainable tips with friends and family, and together, we can create a greener, brighter future for ourselves and the planet.


About The Author

Bash Sarmiento is a writer and an educator from Manila. He writes laconic pieces in the education, lifestyle and health realms. His academic background and extensive experience in teaching, textbook evaluation, business management and traveling are translated in his works.