Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys
Writing: Start With One Word, Then Another, Then Another
When people find out I write, they usually tell me how much they want to write too. I hear about their amazing stories. But, when I ask them what they have written, they inevitably say, nothing. Then they ask me how to get started. Once I handed a woman a pen and paper. She looked at me as if I handed her a diaper and said, fill it. I told her to write just one word about the story she wanted to write. She did so. I took back my pen and announced to her that she had just started her piece and I was proud of her. She looked at me again with such confusion I had to laugh. She asked, “Now what?” I told her that when she awoke the next morning she was to write another word in her story. I told her to do that each day until she had enough words to start putting them into sentences.
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