Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Take ACTION for A Better Tomorrow

Learn from real people, just like you, how therapeutic journaling can benefit your life. Within these personal stories you’ll find journaling tips, tricks, inspiration and ideas that help you structure your journaling practice—and discover the true value journaling can bring to your life.

Find the inspiration to keep going and the motivation to make journaling work for you and your hectic schedule. Learn about these everyday people who made the decision to put pen to paper and how it transformed their lives!

Have a problem getting back into or staying with your Journaling Power Practice? CreateWriteNow provides 300+ unique, soul-searching journaling power prompts here that will inspire your Muse and jumpstart your word flow.

Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

The Life-Changing Benefits of Daily Journaling

There are a lot of reasons why people journal. From dream journals to travel journals and prayer journals to gratitude journals, we keep certain journals for certain areas of our lives.

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

Four Techniques to Deepen Your Journal Writing Practice

One of the many benefits of cultivating and sustaining a journal writing practice is that over time you begin to know and connect with yourself in a deeper way. I've maintained a journal writing...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

Easy Ways to Get Your Self Care Every Day

Self-care is everywhere. It seems like taking care of yourself has become a trend, but self-care isn't just a buzzword, it's a necessity. Neglecting your happiness can cause stress, feelings of...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

A Different Kind of Journaling

I had not journaled for many years before I experienced September 11, 2001. I was in New York City at the World Trade Center, standing between Building 7 and the North Tower when the first plane flew...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

Journaling Dreams for Personal Growth

Journals have been a gigantic part of my personal and spiritual growth journey that began back in 1989. Whether that’s to be used as: a diary, for emotional release, my business thoughts, debating my...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

BONUS: 3 Things You Can Do Today To Improve Your Personal Finances

Personal finance is one of the most talked about areas people want to improve in their lives. Go to the personal finance section of any bookstore, and you'll find tons of books to choose from. The...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

6 Powerful Ways to Reignite Your Passion for Writing

Writing can be one of the most rewarding experiences in the world. With the ability to educate and inspire, sell and ponder, and take you and readers to new and exciting places, it’s magical, but can...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys, Journaling for Men

How To Turn Meditation Into An Everyday Habit

Habits are what shape our personality and character. Unfortunately, it is very simple to acquire a bad habit, and it is very difficult to get rid of it. And it is very difficult to form and maintain...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys, Journaling for Men

Less Is More - How We Lose Quality in Pursuit of Quantity

The saying ‘less is more’ may come across as a cliché, but it is quite applicable in producing quality writing on any medium. Writers often become trapped in creating a large word count as opposed to...

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Our Blog: Insights, Inspiration, and Empowerment

Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Isabell Gaylord
March 2, 2020

The Life-Changing Benefits of Daily Journaling

The Life-Changing Benefits of Daily Journaling
There are a lot of reasons why people journal. From dream journals to travel journals and prayer journals to gratitude journals, we keep certain...
Tara C. Pray
February 27, 2020

Four Techniques to Deepen Your Journal Writing Practice

Four Techniques to Deepen Your Journal Writing Practice
One of the many benefits of cultivating and sustaining a journal writing practice is that over time you begin to know and connect with yourself in a...
Michelle Cornish
February 24, 2020

Easy Ways to Get Your Self Care Every Day

Easy Ways to Get Your Self Care Every Day
Self-care is everywhere. It seems like taking care of yourself has become a trend, but self-care isn't just a buzzword, it's a necessity. Neglecting...
Jodi Graber Pratt
February 18, 2020

A Different Kind of Journaling

A Different Kind of Journaling
I had not journaled for many years before I experienced September 11, 2001. I was in New York City at the World Trade Center, standing between...
Pamela Cummins
February 11, 2020

Journaling Dreams for Personal Growth

Journaling Dreams for Personal Growth
Journals have been a gigantic part of my personal and spiritual growth journey that began back in 1989. Whether that’s to be used as: a diary, for...
Michelle Cornish
February 6, 2020

BONUS: 3 Things You Can Do Today To Improve Your Personal Finances

BONUS: 3 Things You Can Do Today To Improve Your Personal Finances
Personal finance is one of the most talked about areas people want to improve in their lives. Go to the personal finance section of any bookstore,...
Katrina Hatchett
February 3, 2020

6 Powerful Ways to Reignite Your Passion for Writing

6 Powerful Ways to Reignite Your Passion for Writing
Writing can be one of the most rewarding experiences in the world. With the ability to educate and inspire, sell and ponder, and take you and readers...
Frank Hamilton
January 27, 2020

How To Turn Meditation Into An Everyday Habit

How To Turn Meditation Into An Everyday Habit
Habits are what shape our personality and character. Unfortunately, it is very simple to acquire a bad habit, and it is very difficult to get rid of...
Tobias Foster
January 20, 2020

Less Is More - How We Lose Quality in Pursuit of Quantity

Less Is More - How We Lose Quality in Pursuit of Quantity
The saying ‘less is more’ may come across as a cliché, but it is quite applicable in producing quality writing on any medium. Writers often become...

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