As I spent time each day exploring my inner thoughts and beliefs it was very freeing to lose myself in the journaling without being judgmental about what was coming up for myself. Free-flow writing truly empowers us to dig down deeply into our hidden selves and helps us by exposing the attitudes in our hearts to the light of day. As I journaled I experienced a great free-flow of ideas that made me excited to continue. Although I would set a timer to keep myself on track, I found it quite easy to lose myself in the thoughts that were coming up for me. Re-reading what I wrote later on in relation to a related topic was also very thought-provoking as I looked at things from a renewed perspective after having a few days to consider them in relation to the other information in the various categories.
As a coach I often take my clients through similar types of exercises so that they can achieve personal clarity about what’s truly holding them back from reaching their goals by identifying their personal obstacles and challenges. Journaling is absolutely the best way to get down into our psyche to identify the beliefs and mindsets that might otherwise remain hidden. It is just as Mari says, “Through journaling, you will nurture your inner self and gain the confidence and insight to overcome challenges and cultivate happiness, fulfilment, creativity and love.” These daily writing exercises break the journey down into bite-sized categories that give the Self-Explorer space to truly reflect on what’s most meaningful to them so they can identify more positive ways to navigate through life as well as celebrate what’s working well.
True understanding of who we are certainly is a life-long journey but it’s never too early (or too late) to get started! Gaining clarity and confidence so that you can be your best authentic self and live a life of purpose and Joy is essential to a life that leaves the legacy of making the difference we were created to make. I would absolutely recommend this resource to anyone who would like to get to better know and nurture their inner most authentic self.