New Journaling Challenge: Declutter Your Life Write Now

Author - Mari L. McCarthy
Published - February 4, 2015

Do you ever wish you could magically transform your home into the sleek, organized, clutter-free vision you see in magazines? Do you dream of finally going through all the stuff – both physically and mentally – you have collected over the years and getting rid of everything you don’t need?

What would it feel like to have no junk drawers, no overflowing closets, no unnecessary baggage? What would it feel like to reclaim your space and your serenity?

Too much stuff can be a burden, weighing you down and creating negative feelings, such as guilt, stress, frustration and panic. If you want to clear a path to a more peaceful and orderly environment, you are not alone, and journaling can help!

Here’s how journaling, also known as writing therapy, can lighten your load:

Clearing out leads to clarity.

There are many ways clutter can build up in your life. Some you can see right in front of you, like the stacks of papers on your desk or the boxes of clothes and souvenirs in the attic. Others are more subtle, like the worries that keep you awake at night or the distractions that prevent you from focusing on your work. Journaling gives you a place to explore the junk that keeps stacking up and find a way to throw it away. It lets you ask the right questions to refocus your mind and get a fresh start:

  • What habits and patterns are holding you back from being energetic, clear-headed and happy?  
  • What parts of your home cause you the most stress and unhappiness? Why? What changes do you want to make?
  • What are your core values and priorities? How can you work toward these through your daily habits?

Letting go of the past makes room to embrace the future.

Your past can become a prison that is difficult to escape. Journal writing through the decluttering process allows you to reflect on where you’ve come from and where you’re going. Instead of your stuff having power over you, you will take control back.

  • What purpose drives you? How do you live intentionally each day for this purpose?
  • What obstacles – both physical and mental – keep standing in the way of change?
  • What do you have control over?
  • What is your ideal vision for the future?

If you want to learn how journaling can help you tackle life's challenges such as clutter, please download the free eBook, The Journaling Guide to Manage The Stress and Strains of Life 


Your home should be a source of solace and comfort, but too often becomes a source of stress in our lives. Our Declutter Your Life in 21 Days self-paced journaling course can help you take charge of your physical space, create harmony in your life, and end the battle with clutter for good. 

Declutter Your Life in 21 Days - Self-Paced Journaling Course - eBook Cover 

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