This article will show you how journaling has helped people, and still does. There will also be a section with some fundamental tips for this practice. Before getting to that, I want to start by shedding some light on where I come from, because that was my starting point for all of this.
Enjoy the journey.
I was born and bred in a religious (Catholic) culture. Jesus and the Saints have been a part of my life since I can remember. I was encouraged to live the values, pray and go to Mass (every day if possible). As I grew older, I kept learning and searching. What I learnt touched my mind, but not my heart.
There had to be more, though. I wasn’t satisfied. No one would change their life, let alone give it up, for theories. It must be something special if people are willing to give up their life for it.
I knew that God exists and that He loves us. “Coincidence” does not even begin to explain some situations I have witnessed. Others can only be described as miraculous. Intellectually, I knew it. This was not enough for me, though. I wanted to experience it, to know it in my heart. Otherwise, it might as well not be there.
The teacher appears when the student is ready. I know it for a fact. When I was living alone in France for 5 months, a priest I only saw for a couple of minutes told me to buy a Bible when he learnt that the one I had, didn't make the trip with me. I did, and I sometimes read from it. I had heard that God talks to us through the Bible. I expected something like that, I wanted something like that. It was more of the same, though. Intellectual insights from exercises like we used to do at school.
What is the moral of the story?
What is God teaching us here?
What do you learn from this episode?
It was more of the same.
Inadequate as it may seem today, that was part 1 of the journey. Small as it may be, the first step is as important (perhaps more) than the last, because no journey is finished in one huge bound. All journeys start with a small, simple, step.
A year or so later, another teacher appeared. This time, I was invited to say a small prayer, read a small passage from the Bible, and write. Write about what the passage meant to me, about what I felt. I found a quiet place, calmed down, read a passage from the Bible, and started to write.
I don't remember what the passage was. I don't remember what I wrote. But I remember that after a short while, the pen took on a life of its own. Words were pouring out of me. I did not want to stop myself. I could not stop myself. Thoughts and words that I never knew existed inside of me, appeared on the paper in front of me.
That day changed my life. At the very least, it changed its trajectory. From that day on, my search for God was a little different. I talked and listened. I wrote and prayed in silence, without words. The God I discovered within me and all around me is quite different than the one which was painted in my mind.
On that day, I also discovered the power of journaling. Once I discovered its power, I didn't just use it for my prayers, to find God within me. It helped me with important decisions in my life. I journaled when I wanted to plan my life, to design goals, to map out some paths. Most of all, I used it when I didn´t know the answers. My journal has helped me explore my feelings, my desires and some unexplored depths.
I have been journaling on and off for over a decade now. For the past six months, though, it has been my daily companion. It has become part of a morning routine for me, and it has been another life-changing experience. An experience which has helped me center myself and dream bigger at the same time. I plan on keeping it that way.
Thanks, at least partly, to journaling, I aim to publish a book in 2021. I will also be blogging. My strengths and purpose are clearer than ever to me. Most of the things I write for the public were birthed by my journal first. One such post is about the common question “What do you do?” and my reaction to that. Journaling is also the inspiration behind a post about leveling up the subconscious.
Increased self-awareness was not the only benefit from my new writing habit. Once I get into the flow of the stream of consciousness, I end up connecting the dots of different ideas, creating pictures I could not see before. Often, they are new pictures that leave me looking with wonder. That is beautiful! Where did that come from? I long to share those insights and ideas with others.
Practice makes perfect. This applies to many things, not least to art forms like writing. Unedited writing helps to get the creative juices going as well as to rake up the writing hours. While I agree with the notion that to drastically improve in something you also need feedback and coaching, mindful practice also helps to improve your standard.
My well-being is another positive side effect of journaling. In the past, playing Football Manager, and blogging about it, helped me to de-stress and calm down at the end of the day. I started feeling that there could be a better use of my time, though. Journaling was fundamental here. It was one of the main factors behind me taking the plunge and uninstalling the game. More than that, it also provided a healthier alternative. Putting my thoughts, dreams, worries and anxiety on paper helped me put things in perspective. You can see your mind clearing up like a foggy morning as the sun shines brighter, once you do that.
While I journal every morning, it's not just that for me now. I sometimes journal before I go to sleep, or in the afternoon. That is the thing about journaling. You can do it anywhere and whenever you like. You can create your own system. But first, have a system. Have a routine. Once it is part of you, then you can change and adapt to find what works best for you.
One essential thing is honesty. You have to be free to be completely honest with your journal. You must feel safe in the knowledge that no one but yourself will read what's in there. Lying to your journal is lying to yourself. That will make your life come crashing down.
To tap into this stream of consciousness that lies within, don’t worry too much about what you are writing or what you have to write. Start writing, don’t stop to think, don’t stop to edit. You can do that later, if you want to. For now, keep writing, ranting, asking, musing, praying or whatever.
Try it.
Do you have stories about journaling, about finding God or expressing yourself in other ways? I would love to hear about them. You can comment below or find me on Twitter
PS. If you have to do anything, do it with love.
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