You’ve almost certainly never heard of journaling being an effective way to revive your business, or even help you to propel it into success. journaling seems to be a wishy-washy teenage girl phenomenon in most people’s minds, but, unbeknownst to many, lots of company leaders swear by journaling in order to organize a creative and cluttered mind, which can often stop your business suffering from a disorganized management center.
If you want to keep your business from crumbling due to your own messy ideas and thought processes, and an inability to keep all of your advancement projects in check, then purchasing a journal and getting your thoughts down on paper everyday is the best idea for you.
While this is a journal, that doesn’t mean that you should chronicle your heart aches and how much you love your pet within its pages. This is a business journal - by all means, include some personal thoughts and emotions, but try to keep it to relating to your business, and not your personal life, otherwise you’ll get off track and it won’t be a business journal any more - it’ll be a personal journal, just like those teenage girls, and that won’t help your business in the long run. Keep it to business goals, aspirations and advancement hopes, and try not to pour your heart out too much - getting another journal for your innermost feelings is a good idea if this is becoming difficult, however.
“The main appeal of business journals is that it means that you are writing and not thinking or acting, which makes you slow down and stop acting rashly,” says Zackary Barker, a writer at and, “because sometimes you just need to pause and take everything in. A whirlwind mind will just lead you to messy procedures and not getting the right things done, or even making bold decisions which could lead to company failure. If you write just one thing in your journal everyday, make it a thought process - what are you thinking, where will that take you and why will you go through with that plan? After several tries of this method, you’ll find the genuine idea within the chaos and be able to make sensible plans building off of that idea. It’s much better than trying to function with a thousand ideas flitting through your head all at once.”
Just like with any document, the first page is the most important. It’s likely that you’ll see this page every time you open the journal, but what can you put down there which will inspire you to pick up the pen every day? A good start is the date, so that you keep every entry in order - it won’t always be possible to stick to a page, or even two pages, so dates are very important. Naming your company, when you created it and what your company aims to do is another good idea, almost like you’re introducing yourself and your company to a potential client - only this client happens to a notebook, and there’s not too much on the line in terms of reputation. After that, it’s up to you. Any previous achievements you’re happy about or challenges you’re facing currently with your business are possible topics, and you can write as much or as little on each topic as you want - even a word is better than nothing. Conquering the first blank page is your great first step into the world of business journaling.
“To be honest, it’s completely up to you and your personal tastes,” Tia Myers, a lifestyle blogger at and, suggests, “but paper and pen (or pencil) generally make you slow down more, because you have to put both thought and effort behind the words that you write. Laptops are good if you use them a lot anyway and don’t have much time to set up at a desk and find writing materials, and if a big notebook will be a little too much for your bag to handle. There are many free writing apps which will give you nice backgrounds and even soothing music, so take your pick!”
Ashley Halsey writes professionally at both Lucky Assignments and Gum Essays, since she loves reading and expressing her knowledge and opinions in the written form. As the mother of two children, she likes to travel as well, and attends business courses in her spare time.
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