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Journaling Through Your Job Search—Why Every Recent Grad Should Do It

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | November 6, 2012


We all know that today's job market is less than stellar. College students are walking across the stage into an economy that can be described as stagnant at best. Knowing what uncertainty they're getting into, many plunge themselves headfirst into their job search in hopes of landing that one, secure dream job.

While they might start off full steam ahead, a few months into the never-ending process of interviews, resumes and cover letters will likely start to run together and eventually wear on them. If you're currently going through this or no one who is, it's important to realize there is something super simple and easy you can do to break up the monotony. Read on to learn more about the powers of journaling through your job search.

Stay Focused on Your Ultimate Goal

One thing journaling will definitely help you do is sort out your thoughts after a long, hard day, week or month—I recommend daily journaling but do it whenever it works best with you and your schedule.  Anyway, as I was saying, journaling, especially after a rather stressful, busy time allows you a time to reflect on what's just happened and sort of "gather your thoughts." This will help ensure you never lose sight of your ultimate goal and can stay focused on what's most important to you.

This way too, if you ever feel listless or lost, you can pick up your journal and remember WHY you're doing what you're doing. I promise, it will make a world of difference.

Discover Alternative Interests

Another great benefit of journaling is the element of self-discovery. Just as a productive brainstorming session at work or in school helped you and your peers come up with ideas none of you had ever thought of before, journaling can cause you to produce and develop ideas you've never considered.

For instance, say you blindly apply for a position not really knowing much about the company, but somehow land an interview. Well after meeting with them you feel you can really see yourself there and start exploring other ways to just get your foot in the door. You might find yourself jotting these ideas and possibilities down and start thinking of how you can make them happen. The more you think and write about it, the more likely new ideas will come to you, making it a form of personal, effective brainstorming. Who knows what you'll discover or learn about yourself and your interests once you start journaling!

Stay Centered and at Peace

Anyone who's been out of work for a long time can tell you how trying and even depressing Job searching can be. It’s always on your mind, because—thanks to the internet and other technologies—you can pretty much do it anytime, anywhere. This can definitely cause your frustration to grow and build to the point of being unbearable. Luckily, journaling offers you a safe zone to get those toxic feelings out of your system. You can express your dissatisfaction with anything and everything in the safe confines of your journal and vent to your heart's desire—something every job seeker should be able to do in some way, shape or form.

So if you've embarked on the potentially long road of job searching and are looking for something to change the pace of your days, consider picking up a journal. You never know what you might learn about yourself.


Katheryn Rivas is an education writer for When she's not telling her readers about the latest trends in education, she can be found exercising and playing with her dogs.

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