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Journal Writing Discovers Daily Joy For You

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | November 5, 2012

Cultivating happiness in your everyday life is probably not always number one on your list of priorities. You have other commitments, from the mundane – grocery shopping and paying bills – to the pressing – meeting a work deadline and making holiday travel arrangements, that compete for your precious few waking hours.

Making time to do things that simply make you happy when you have so much else going on might feel indulgent or even selfish. But remember, when you invest in your own mental health and happiness, you are able to be more present in your work, your relationships and other aspects of your life. Practice mindfulness every day and record little moments of joy in your journal writing.

Tips for Joyful Journaling

1. Start small.

You can give your daily happiness a boost by making small changes to your routine and focusing on them in your journal writing. Write a short description of your average workday in your journal, noting the parts that create the most stress, anxiety or unhappiness. How can you make slight tweaks to your day to make those aspects less unpleasant? For example:

I wake up at 7, get ready for work quickly and leave by 8. Usually there is traffic, which stresses me out because I worry about being late, then I get into the office by 9, grab a quick bite to eat and a large coffee. My mornings are busy with meetings and emails and the phone ringing off the hook, so I don’t often get to work on important projects until after lunch…

I think leaving 30 minutes earlier in the morning might ease my stress a bit. If I could get to bed a little earlier and get up by 6:30, I would beat some of the traffic and arrive at the office before most of my co-workers. This would give me some quiet time to plan my day, eat breakfast and not feel so rushed…

2. Be intentional with your time.

Just like any other healthy habit, you must intentionally work happiness activities into your schedule for them to stick (if you didn’t leave time for a daily walk or a workout at the gym, you would never exercise!). Start planning short blocks of time dedicated to your own contentment. Write these appointments down in your journal to make them more concrete and easier to remember. For example:

• 10-10:30 a.m. Take a mid-morning break. Read a few chapters of my book and drink a cup of tea.
• 1-1:45 p.m. Lunch and walk
• 5-6 Yoga class
• 7:30-8:30 Family dinner
• 9-9:30 Daily journaling

3. Track your changes.

Pay attention to your happiness level over time. When do you feel most at peace? What factors contribute to your overall happiness? When do you feel least happy or relaxed? What circumstances have a strong influence on your mood? Write about your ups and downs in your journal, and look for patterns. For example:

I feel my best when I am sleeping enough, exercising regularly and making time to cook, read, make art and spend time with friends. I get anxious when I overschedule myself, work too much without taking breaks and fail to leave room for quiet time at the end of the day.

How do you find joy in your everyday life? Share your tips in the comments!

READ about the joys of all kinds of Journalers! Download a Free Copy of the Dark Chocolate for the Journaler’s Soul E-book