Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Have You Ever Cheated On Your Journal?

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | April 1, 2011

Guest Post and Artwork by Mazie Bishop

I have been journaling since I was around 5 years old. In my very first journal, I announce that I will be taking a writing lesson break and I pretty much write the words from books that I can pick out, over and over again. I have always been like that; announcing to the world or to myself what I am going to do, as if people are watching what I am doing. Journaling helped me see that!

I have another journal that I brought to school with me. I used to think it was the most beautiful book I had ever seen, with pink and blue butterflies, but after reading the posts inside which stated how “NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD HAS THIS BOOK BECAUSE MY NANA GOT IT IN FLORIDA” I think I only liked it so much because it was different. I used to write about my teachers. When we watched movies in class I would write. I would hide behind these two trees at recess and I would write. Can you believe that I am going to University for writing next year? I don’t even have to hide that I am writing anymore!     

Now that I am a little bit older, I find that I don’t write in a journal regularly, but I create something every day. Whether it is a sketch, or a painting, or a collage, or a poem, I do something every single day. I recently made a declaration that I would try to write more. I hunger more personal attention! I feel like when I paint I come out of my body and watch myself create these canvas’ but when I write about what is on my mind, I become more intact with who I am, what I am, and where I am in my life. I come to terms with things better when I can write it down.             

I find that I am constantly craving a fresh journal, blank pages for me to deface, and I have such a habit of starting many books at once! As a writer I need to really work on settling down and NOT CHEATING ON MY JOURNAL! I do have a few different types of journals though. First of all I have my personal, I keep it to writing and sketches, no other medium just pen and ink! I have my dream journal, which I am getting much better at using. I wake up and before I can forget the dream, I jot it down point form. A lot of it doesn’t make sense but I can still get the idea! I also have a poetry journal, which is not actually just poetry, it is also lists of words that stick out to me during the day, I write them down in this little book that comes with me everywhere, and when I feel like I need inspiration for a poem, I take those words and string them together! I have a “Wreck this Journal” by Keri Smith. It is in my opinion such a genius stress reliever. And then I have my art journal. Full of cut up paper, collages, bus tickets, concert tickets quotes, paintings, everything!    

Ever since I was very young, I have been a huge fan of prompts. In school, when we had to keep journals and they would keep us writing to prompts, everyone would be so upset that we didn’t get free topic, but I would be so happy. Ever since I knew about prompts I have been prompting myself! When I tell people that I like writing to a theme, they look at me as though I am not capable of writing freely. That is not the case! I just enjoy keeping on a topic, or theme! I am in the process of making this journaling tool called the Journal Jar and in that jar are tiny pieces of paper with prompts or inspirations on them, and when I can’t think of something to write about, I will just close my eyes and grab one! I will mostly be posting that tutorial on my blog along with a list of prompts you can add to a jar if you are interested! I also will be posting exclusive pictures of my journals to my blog soon! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk to you about the evolution of my favourite hobby!

Stay outrageous, 

Mazie Bishop from 

Artwork by Mazie