Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

(JTC) Journaling Tips #59 - The Homecoming

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | October 2, 2010

With journaling, we learn how to do things we never ever even remotely thought we’d be interested in doing! Like being alone with our Self and enjoying being with our Self! The more we journal, the more comfortable we get with this most healthiest of behaviors.

<< Set aside a quiet hour for You.  Use music, light candles, bring along a favorite cup of tea or.... Schedule it and put it on your calendar, if you need to. Date the page and answer the question, "Who am I today?" Have a heart-to-heart with your Self and write your musings on some loose sheets of paper.
When you're done, put your journaling in an envelope, seal and label it.  Mark your calendar for the future time and place of the Grand Opening! >>>

Don’t know what to do with your recently sealed “package”? Mail it to me and I’ll send it back (unopened of course!) on the date you request.  


Need some more journaling ideas? 'Mari’s Most Musefull Journaling Tips' has 85 quotes, prompts and exercises to tickle you and your muse’s fancy!