Guest Post by Joanna Paterson
When people talk about the midlife, they often describe it in terms of a journey (with the additional challenge that it's generally a destination unknown!).
Look at the word 'journey' and you'll see how close it is to 'journal'. That's because it has the same root, from the word for 'day'. The original meaning of the word 'journey' was the distance travelled, or progress made, in one day.
And although we use journals and journaling in lots more creative ways than 'just' to record the happenings of one particular day, you can see the core of what it means to journal in its root. To capture the heart of the experience of one day. To take stock and take note. To chart the distance travelled, or progress made.
I think this is one of the reasons that journal work is so useful when you're navigating the midlife. It's a journey that can be challenging at times, and it's good to take the time to remind yourself of how far you've come; to doodle and dream about the place you want to get to; to get more familiar with your own words, your writing voice, your self; or just to take some time out to be creative and play with patterns of words.
It's also often a time when you look for symbols and deeper meaning - probably as the unconscious mind makes sense of the deeper journey that you're on. Again, journal writing can help those symbols to emerge whether that's by some dream work or simply letting your words tumble and then looking back and seeing what kind of patterns or clues are emerging.
Photography is another way that we can learn to look at the world for patterns and symbols. Start looking for bridges, openings or signs when you're out and about, camera in hand, and you might be amazed at what you find!
I’m currently teaching classes at the Mid Life Journal that will guide women into exercises that entail writing, walking and photo-taking to help them get used to reflecting on what they’re seeing, noticing, and writing about.
If this sounds like the journey you’re on, or that you know you’re being invited to travel, please do pop over to the Mid Life Journal and see what’s on offer to help you find your way.
Joanna Paterson is a journal and writing coach who helps people tap into the power of their own words. She shares creative ways to get through the middle of life at The Mid Life Journal.
If you want to learn how journaling can help you tackle life's challenges, please download the free eBook, The Journaling Guide to Manage The Stress and Strains of Life.
We all experience transitions in our lives. Our Ease Life's Transitions in 22 Days self-paced journaling course offers exercises, ideas, inspiration, and encouragement to explore all aspects of the life changes you are experiencing.