Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Journaling and Healing & Cures, Oh My!

Written by Admin | March 19, 2009

Multiple Sclerosis (MS for short) was the best thing that ever happened to me. It led me to my writing and healing. And now, my journaling and I are working on my cure.  Early on in my journal writing, I knew this chronic neurological health challenge was here for a reason.

With more and more journaling, I’ve realized that this dis-ease where the body’s immune system attacks itself is metaphorical for the continuous dose of superdooper self-criticism I used to give myself.  I’m clearing the wreckage out of the way, reconnecting my mind and body and with my team in place, we’re all headed in the same direction, the right road to Perfect Health.

Our bodies hold the key to understanding our emotions and psychological patterns. In our busy, busy, busy lives we tend to ignore our bodies and overlook the vital role they play.  Disease is our body’s attention getter. It prompts us to investigate what’s happening on a deeper subconscious level.  (Trust me, there’s plenty there!) The more we become present to our body, to dialogue with it with the help of our journal, we learn about our errors and omissions but most importantly: OUR INFINITE POSSIBILITIES.  

Kim’s ‘Journaling for the Health of It’ Story

 "When I was diagnosed with Chronic Epstein-Barr my whole life changed. I was no longer able to work full-time and couldn't manage even the simplest household chores like vacuuming or cooking dinner. I wasn't sure how I would get through it until I realized that the virus hadn't taken away one very important thing; my ability and energy to write. 

I started a Healing Journal, a place where I could record all my thoughts and feelings about what I was experiencing. Chronic illness can be very isolating and even those who love you most don't really want to hear 'all about it.' I could fall apart, scream and yell or get irrationally angry and my healing journal hung on my every word.  

At first I mostly complained in the journal, but over time I found I wrote more about how to cope, dreamed about what I'd do when I got well and I started to brainstorm on how to get help and improve my health. 

My Healing Journal created a safe place for me to reside while trying to cope with a frustrating situation. It was the best kind of therapy and it was there for me any time I needed it. No doctor's fees. No waiting. No prescription needed.  

Looking back, I don't know what I would have done without the amazing healing therapy of writing." 

If Health and Happiness is your destination, get out of the traffic jam and take the Writing and Healing Exit.