We look at January as the time to resolve again to do all the things that we could have, should have, and meant to do last year: exercise more, weigh less, change careers and leave unfulfilling relationships. We make these pronouncements, leave it at that and we find ourselves in the same spot the next January.
But you can change this unhealthy behavior pattern!
Just as a new year is time for renewal, it is also a time for reflection. Here's one of the many areas where your journal can help you out. In it, you can discuss issues such as:
* How have I grown and what did I learn in 2008? * What habits or behaviors do I want to change?
Once you have answered all your questions, you're ready to move on (with your journal) to brainstorm what you want and create your 2009 Goals action plan.
Keep the number of goals low. That way they are manageable and you assure yourself success. Then, make sure they are SMART - an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Sensitive. Tape them to your journal's inside cover. There, they are front and center as you continue to use your journal to review, and refresh your goals action plans throughout 2009.
Since we are so used to going into our head, how about renewing our acquaintance with our insides/instincts and together choose what we FEEL like writing about. Questions are always good: Who am I? How am I? Where am I at? What am I doing?
And how about selecting a different pen...something that FEELS write for your hands! Trying a new color provides a new process of illumination!
For more Journaling ideas, TRY THIS AT HOME.
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