Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Spiritual Journaling - Part Two

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | March 11, 2014

A guest post by Peg Jones

Part Two of Two (Read Part One)

About three years ago, a friend of mine asked me to share a daily message on her website. I also shared them on social media and kept them in a blog.  About two months later, I felt I was being asked to develop journal questions for the messages that were shared each day.  As I was doing this each day, I realized that even though the messages were personal on some level, they were messages to help everyone to notice how the angels are truly in your life.  I also realized that the journal exercises had nothing to do with automatic writing.  The journal exercises were to help you start to notice the signs that the angels were there for you.  Helping you to be in your heart place more consistently, healing, and knowing you are being supported by the universe.  

In thinking about a spiritual journal, and how you would use the journal, I had several ideas and insights.

  • It can be the same as any other journal, but it’s thinking in a different space.  
  • The spiritual journal can help others to notice their angels, or guides. 
  • It could be thanking the universe for the day you experienced or for something more specific. 
  • Speaking from your heart what is on your mind for that day.
  • You would write a message you feel you might be sensing, or it could be an experience in working with one specific angel over a period of time and telling them what is on your mind or asking for help.
  • Writing a prayer of thanks or concern.  What is in your heart at the time?
  • It is a place where you can contain and see the spiritual growth taking place in your own life.
  • Asking questions and writing the answers, to and from God, angels, and guides.
  • You could write out a meditation, poem, prayer that you had created. 

The possibilities are limitless.

The angels are telling me that we get so caught up in our lives that we truly forget who we are.  When you keep a spiritual journal, it’s a time where you reflect and have time for you. 

In July of 2013, my book was published: Living in the Heart Place with Your Angels: Daily Angelical Whispers Throughout the Year. It is a book of messages from the angels, for each day of the year.  Each message has a daily journal prompt for you to think about and write your thoughts about, and a journal exercise.  It is a way to connect with your angels and also to help with self-empowerment, with lots of messages of self healing, living in the heart place, and forgiveness; and some exercises that encourage creativity in your writing too. 

Spiritual journaling with the angels is all about transformation of what is real and true for you as you travel on your spiritual path.  I think in many ways it can help you to reconnect with yourself, and with the universe, and especially our Source, who ever that may for you.  The balance of body, mind, and spirit is so important. We must strive to make happen for ourselves. Self-expression is also important for our growth on our life path, enjoying and seeing the positive milestones we each can make every day. 


Peg Jones is an Angelic Life Coach and author, radio host, and  facilitator of  classes about the angels. She works with people to help understand who their angels are and how they help and guide on our life path/ spiritual path. She does this through classes and working individually. Peg just published her first book,  Living in the Heart Place with Your Angels: Daily Angelical Whispers Throughout the Year.  Peg is available for speaking or workshops, to mentor or to coach about spiritual things, or life issues, with input from the angels.  Visit her website at