Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

Journaling: To Write Or Not...Is That The Question?

So I decided to start journaling again. This is I do not know, the umpteenth time I will have embarked on trying to create the habit in myself to do it every day, day in and day out at least 5 minutes every day!

To those who know me you have read my occasional blog talking about fibromyalgia and living with chronic pain.  I thought if I could learn to journal I might be able to blog better to you all and share this journey better. So I took a course with Mari L. McCarthy online: “Peace Of Mind and Body 27 days of Journaling to Health & Happiness." It has gone a long ways toward helping me  learn a new habit of journaling finally.

Many things have come along and gotten in the way trying to prevent this from happening of course. My brain and my body have rebelled BIG TIME… Through strange diagnosis of bi-polar and sluggish thyroid to this last doctor visit erratic heart rhythms and skipped beats almost putting me in the hospital quickly diverting my attention from writing anything! To family upheavals and cold water splashes knocking or trying to put  me in my place, whatever that is, I am still struggling along here and am determined as ever to conquer these demons and learn to keep this new good habit for the rest of my productive life.

And I am learning, how much I am finding that I am now not alone in this illness now that I have my journal to talk to. I no longer have to stuff my fears, worries, and pain inside, buried, or hidden. I do not have to burden my spouse with conversations riddled with explanations of how my body hurts if I know I have somewhere to tell it to and get it off my chest and let it go. Just the act of doing that helps the pain subside some by allowing it to flow up and through me. Because I can then ground myself to the mother and feel the earths energy through my feet.

For now I will thank Mari L. McCarthy for helping me find my voice again and I am hoping I can keep practicing and not lose it and only grow stronger a little more every day, every day.

February 4, 2015

Another day and journaling is still happening although I can tell I will not be able to be slack in this at all. If I do not wag fingers at myself it will be too easy for me to not stay the course so I know I will need to do some digging deep down and find out why this is being such a hard task for me. What is buried down there under all those layers keeping me from the truth at the bottom? Time and journaling will only tell.

In the meantime I will make bracelets to sell and tie dye and other creations to bring laughter and lightness and light to my life and others who suffer from chronic pain and who need the uplifting of spirit in their lives to feel alive beyond the pain and suffering because there is so much more to you than that! You and I have so much to do and to give that we cannot let these chronic conditions rule our lives and stop us from living and moving and walking our paths to higher realities. Do not let this keep you down!

Cynthia Matusky says: I am 58 years young, retired from the rat race, trying to earn a meager dollar or two above social security and learning to love life differently than it grew on me for the first 50+ years. I love to play making things, reading, gardening, writing and traveling with the love of my life which took me many years and a few failures to find. I have no children except of the furry variety which I prefer. And of those I choose rescues always.

You can find her handiwork here:

If you want to learn how journaling can help you tackle life's challenges, please download the free eBook, The Journaling Guide to Manage The Stress and Strains of Life 

Are you new to journaling? Or perhaps you're an experienced journaler who wishes to restart a daily journaling practice? Our Build a Lasting Journaling Practice in 14 Days self-paced journaling course shows you how. 


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Mari's Journaling Power Blog

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy, Creative Journaling

Keep a Journal in Your Recovery Tool Box

Recovery is hard work over the long haul. Fortunately it begins with something positive - admitting there is a problem. From that point, a wealth of tools has developed over the decades since Bill W....

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Creative Journaling

New Journaling Challenge: Declutter Your Life Write Now

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Creative Journaling

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Creative Journaling

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Back to the life of journaling I go. I have been wanting to do this article for so long; however my thinking about it has taken so much time. I fear too much time has passed. I really believe...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys, Journaling for Men

Journaling: Nurturing Ourselves Write Away

In the modern world, many of us work harder for our jobs than we do for ourselves, either by choice or by necessity.

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy, Creative Journaling

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth

Write Everyday with Daily Page

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Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Posts by Mari L. McCarthy:

Mari L. McCarthy
February 12, 2015

Journaling: To Write Or Not...Is That The Question?

Journaling: To Write Or Not...Is That The Question?
So I decided to start journaling again. This is I do not know, the umpteenth time I will have embarked on trying to create the habit in myself to do...
Mari L. McCarthy
February 10, 2015

Keep a Journal in Your Recovery Tool Box

Keep a Journal in Your Recovery Tool Box
Recovery is hard work over the long haul. Fortunately it begins with something positive - admitting there is a problem. From that point, a wealth of...
Mari L. McCarthy
February 4, 2015

New Journaling Challenge: Declutter Your Life Write Now

New Journaling Challenge: Declutter Your Life Write Now
Do you ever wish you could magically transform your home into the sleek, organized, clutter-free vision you see in magazines? Do you dream of finally...
Mari L. McCarthy
January 27, 2015

Journaling: Fruitful Journey

Journaling: Fruitful Journey
Back to the life of journaling I go. I have been wanting to do this article for so long; however my thinking about it has taken so much time. I fear...
Mari L. McCarthy
January 20, 2015

Journaling: Nurturing Ourselves Write Away

Journaling: Nurturing Ourselves Write Away
In the modern world, many of us work harder for our jobs than we do for ourselves, either by choice or by necessity.

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