Another great gift that Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, brought to us - in addition to the wildly popular Morning Pages - was the suggestion that every now and then we take ourselves out on a date.
How often do you enjoy such a personal time as Cameron advises? When was the last time you went out on your own to experience something just for you, for your enjoyment pure and simple?
Find out how you and your Journal can make it happen Write Here!
"Do or Do not. There is no try."
~ Yoda
Explore the 24/7 motherhood struggle, identify some of the common issues associated with it, and discover ways to overcome those issues by downloading the free ebook, Avoiding the 24/7 Motherhood Struggle Through Journaling.
A daily Morning Pages practice is a key component of better physical and mental health, greater energy, and an overall feeling of well-being. The 12 Day Guide to Morning Pages self-paced journaling course is a gentle introduction to the daily habit that will change your life.
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