How to Start A Journal

How to Start A Journal For Healing, Health and Happiness!

Journaling brings you back to your core, your center, your soul

The road to self-love, ongoing peace, and inner serenity can be paved with a pen.  Scientific evidence supports the belief that expressive journaling is a transformative tool that empowers you to:

  • Discard mental baggage and erroneous thoughts that hold you back
  • Elevate your mood and reduce depression
  • Enjoy the present moment and forgive yourself for past mistakes
  • Unlock power, talents and abilities you’ve previously blocked
  • Set realistic goals and take inspired actions to make them happen

Journaling is a daily opportunity to explore your inner life and discover who you are, understand what you really think and feel, and why you do what you do.  Learning how to start a journal will help you examine and eliminate all the erroneous beliefs and unhealthy messages that you've been carrying around since childhood. 

Plus, a Journal Writing Practice guides you to become your authentic, healthy self: experiencing and enjoying all the talents, abilities and artistry with which you were born.

These 4 steps make it easy for you to learn how to start a journal and transform your life today!

Create You Time Every Day

Sit down. Close your eyes; take some deep, belly breaths.  As your body relaxes, imagine how you want your mind, body, and spirit to be, what the life you desire looks and feels like.  You’ll probably feel yourself smiling. Spend as much time in this sacred space as you need.

When you open your eyes, remind yourself that you can feel the way you just envisioned and that spending time daily for yourself is not selfish; it's a necessity.

Daily Journal Writing helps you chip away at all the pieces of yourself that don’t serve you. It restores you to the person you truly are. And, even better, it helps you become who you want to be.

Prepare to start journaling

Choose your materials with care, and make it fun. This is a chance to customize your personal journal writing experience. Maybe you already have an unused or seldom-used journal(s) somewhere in your home. Maybe you feel comfortable with a spiral bound notebook. Maybe a rollerball pen or a ballpoint feels right for you?  You might even opt for crayons and binder paper if you’re feeling playful. You choose your journaling tools.

The same goes for space. Select a suitable area, where you can be alone and quiet as you write your journal.  Perhaps it’s your kitchen table or the cleared desk in your home office. The local coffee shop might work. Whatever feels right for you.

Pick a time of day when you can dedicate 10–15 minutes to journaling. You might schedule the spare moments before your kids wake up in the morning, at coffee break time or right before bedtime. Remember that the only right way to journal is your way!

Compassionately Confront Your Brand of Page Fright

When you hunker down with a blank page in front of you, I guarantee you’ll encounter internal resistance. Nagging thoughts will intrude to do the laundry, read that newspaper article, even suggest that you have nothing of substance to write about… the list goes on.

The truth is it is scary to face yourself... we have a lot of ingrained fears and anxieties. Your Journal can help you get going. After you date the page, ask it a question like, "What do I write about?" or "How do I ... ?".

So...Congratulate yourself for getting this far in the process. Tell your inner critic, “Thank you for sharing, but go and play in the traffic.” Then put your pen to the page and write.

Write, write, and write.

Write freely, without self-censorship. Keep your pen moving without stopping, even if you write, “I don’t know what to write.” Write whatever idea comes to mind; get it out of your head and onto the page. Be honest. Be grateful for the rare opportunity to express yourself without hesitation.

Remember that getting started with a personally transformative daily journal writing practice is the hardest part. Once you experience how inspiring, informative, and liberating a daily journaling practice can be, you'll never, ever want to stop!

How can we help?

We host a number of Journaling Challenges throughout the year where you learn how to use journaling for personal transformation and self-healing.  

If you're just learning how to start a journal, you'll benefit from daily journaling exercises presented in an easy-to-follow ebook format as well as an online forum where you can connect with other journalers,  ask questions, share your A-HAs and connect directly with me! . Learn more here! 

For more ideas and guidance, visit our Journaling Tips page! 



Mari Book Awards

Start journaling for the health of it™

“We are each responsible for our lives and, more important, the thoughts that create them. If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think.”

Oprah Winfrey

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